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Rail Safeworking – V/Line (Full Courses)
This course is intended for people who are seeking a career in the rail industry performing Track force protection coordinator level 3.2 tasks on the V/Line Victorian Rail Network.
This course is intended for people who are seeking a career in the rail industry performing Track force protection coordinator level 3.2 tasks on the V/Line Victorian Rail Network.
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Statement of Attainment:
- TLIF0023 Conduct track protection assessment (R1)
- TLIW2037 Clip and Secure Points (R2)
- TLIL0010 Implement a Track occupancy authority (R1)
- TLIL3083 Implement a track work authority and manage rail traffic through worksites (R2)
- TLIL3084 Implement a local possession authority (R2)
Certificate of Achievement:
- V/Line Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2
Course Cost Per Person:
$1,500 (GST Free)
This course is intended for people who are seeking a career in the rail industry performing Handsignaller duties on the V/Line Victorian Rail Network.
This course is intended for people who are seeking a career in the rail industry performing Handsignaller duties on the V/Line Victorian Rail Network.
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Statement of Attainment:
- TLIF0027 Perform lookout duties (R1)
- TLIF2082 Perform handsignaller duties (R2)
Certificate of Achievement:
- V/Line Handsignaller
Course Cost Per Person:
$700 (GST Free)